Monthly Archives: June 2012

Become the best version of yourself

“Become the best version of yourself” is the new motto I have adopted inspired by Elliot Hustle. It means that you should aspire to be the best you can physically, mentally and socially. Becoming the best you can be physically entails that you exercise right, eat right and sleep right.Becoming the best you can be mentally involves training your brain by learning as much as possible and always challenging yourself. Knowledge is power in everything you do and if you fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Becoming the best you can be socially is the ability to be a social person, doing as much as you can in the life you have been given. Enjoy yourself always but never at someone elses expense.

The motto also means that you should always be yourself and not someone/something your not. In this era there is very high influence from celebrity culture on our society and theres no way you can escape it. It is part of your daily routine, you are exposed to it constantly from TV, magazines, billboards, internet to even cereal boxes. It has a vice grip on fashion, diets, exercise regimes, relationships etc. Although it is difficult to ignore this culture, you need to concentrate on yourself, what works for you and what you enjoy rather than getting told what you like and dislike. Once you are able to seperate yourself from the culture, you can become the best version of yourself.

I hope you have enjoyed this and find it useful and hopefully apply it to your own life and constantly think how you can become the best version of yourself.

My next blog will be about Motivation to exercise and i will release that as soon as possible.

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Posted by on June 21, 2012 in Uncategorized


New focus, New ideas

I havent posted in a long time so to update you. I am no longer doing the open learning psychology degree course due to various reasons. I have now become very interested in physical fitness so I have applied and have been accepted to study HNC Fitness, Health and Exercise. I intend to expand my knowledge about the topic and gain the qualifications which will aid my aims to become a fitness instructor/personal trainer. The blog will now be mainly focussed on Fitness, Health and exercise but will still contain some aspect of psychology.

I will post atleast once a week and I hope i keep my readers engaged and willing to read the following weeks posts.

Thanks alot,

Matt Wallace

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Posted by on June 20, 2012 in Uncategorized