Do chatup lines work and who actually uses them???

15 Sep

I work in a bar and I hear many examples of chatup lines but on few occasions witness them been put into practice and then even slimmer chances of them actually working. What I have witnessed is that it is mainly males that use them and they get used whilst waiting in the queue to purchase drinks and some examples I have personally heard are “Nice arms, feel mine.” , “Orite you saucy wench.” and my personal favourite “I’d love to f**k your face off.”

Until yesterday, I did not believe that females would ever use a chatup line but one was used on me whilst the girl was paying by card for her alcohol and she asked when i handed over the card machine “Do you want my pin or my phone number” and I responded with “both obviously.” That is why I thought of this question.

My personal opinion is that it takes a confident character to use the line and a attractive person to have any success with it.

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Posted by on September 15, 2011 in Uncategorized


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