Monthly Archives: September 2011

Love at first sight

You sometimes hear of couples saying about when they first met that “It was love at first sight” and everything took off from there.

I am very sceptical of this claim as in my experience you have to get to know someone deep down on a personal level to fall in love with them. 

“Love” is a word that has been abused and used repeatedly throughout time so much that it has different meanings now. For example a woman saying “I love these shoes.” Obviously they do not actually love the shoes, they like the shoes but are showing enthusiasm about liking them. It tends to be used in younger couples (12-18) I have noticed perhaps because of a trend to show affection, most actually arent in love when they say it.

“Love at first sight” should be changed to lust at first sight, the couple see each other, they are attracted to each other, they want to be intimate with each other, they get to know each other, then they get to love each other.

In conclusion, the word “love” has many meanings now and has strayed away from its original definition. In my opinion, love at first sight does not exist.



Posted by on September 20, 2011 in Uncategorized


Do chatup lines work and who actually uses them???

I work in a bar and I hear many examples of chatup lines but on few occasions witness them been put into practice and then even slimmer chances of them actually working. What I have witnessed is that it is mainly males that use them and they get used whilst waiting in the queue to purchase drinks and some examples I have personally heard are “Nice arms, feel mine.” , “Orite you saucy wench.” and my personal favourite “I’d love to f**k your face off.”

Until yesterday, I did not believe that females would ever use a chatup line but one was used on me whilst the girl was paying by card for her alcohol and she asked when i handed over the card machine “Do you want my pin or my phone number” and I responded with “both obviously.” That is why I thought of this question.

My personal opinion is that it takes a confident character to use the line and a attractive person to have any success with it.

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Posted by on September 15, 2011 in Uncategorized


Hello world!

This is a tester to see if the blog is in full effect then I will commit to writing on it properly and hopefully I will get a few followers.

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Posted by on September 13, 2011 in Uncategorized